HIVE fdf May 2024
No Matches
map.h File Reference

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* ::: :::::::: */
/* map.h :+: :+: :+: */
/* +:+ +:+ +:+ */
/* By: tgrekov <> +#+ +:+ +#+ */
/* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */
/* Created: 2024/05/20 08:48:52 by tgrekov #+# #+# */
/* Updated: 2024/06/24 06:19:19 by tgrekov ### */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */

Definition in file map.h.

#include <MLX42.h>
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Data Structures

struct  s_point
 Map point. More...
struct  s_map
 Map data. More...
struct  s_loop_data
 Data structure passed to the drawing loop. More...


typedef struct s_point t_point
 Map point.
typedef struct s_map t_map
 Map data.
typedef struct s_loop_data t_loop_data
 Data structure passed to the drawing loop.